Dienstag, 1. April 2014

Wordless - без слов -

8 Kommentare:

  1. Hari OM
    Wow that has 'atmosphere'! Hope you will drop by today. YAM xx

  2. a lot of history in one shot. this kind can generate a lot of stories :-0

  3. Beautiful old home. I, too, am wondering of the history and people that lived here.

    Royalegacy's WW - April 2, 2014

  4. I love the ambience of the photo> so tranquil =)

  5. «Louis» thanks you for being the first this week to link with his Wordless Wednesday. :-)

    Your photo makes our mind start writing stories about the history of this house and its inhabitants.

  6. I want to go here! beautiful. Visiting via "CreatewithJoyWordlessWednesday"


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