Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

Azalea - one bud is open now...

(I'm in a blog break now, seldom times I make a post)

16 Kommentare:

  1. So pretty! We have the same thing happening in my backyard!

  2. Sehr bezaubernd.Dieses Rot mit dem satten Grün ist wunderschön.
    Habe mich gefreut das du auf Besuch warst....oder Marula auf Besuch war. :-)

    Schönen Abend!


  3. Gorgeous flowers Mascha, the color is so pretty!

  4. Lovely Azalea, ours our doing the same here, it is a delight waiting for the buds to open.

  5. Isn't it fun to really see the opening of these blooms?! These are a lovely color, too.

  6. Beautiful, Mascha.
    I count on you for tomorrows Share-in-Style

  7. Es ist schwer zu sagen ob deine Azaleen schöner in Knospe oder Blüte sind. -:)

  8. Hi Mascha, I've just drawn the giveaway winner and it's you!!! Can you email me using the Contact Form on my blog and I'll get the goodies in the post? Have a very happy Sunday xx

  9. So, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  10. I will have to go check mine, they are probably blooming too. Lovely blooms!

  11. Beautiful! I love the soft quality of the last shot.


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