Montag, 28. April 2014

Happy Birthday dear bloggerfriend


Vielleicht freust du dich
über diesen Korb mit Vogelliedern,
vielleicht freust du dich
über diesen Gesang

Lima lima
lima ruh
lima ohlo

- G.B. Fuchs -
(aus einem Kinderbuch)


Maybe you are happy
about this basket with bird songs,
maybe you rejoice
about this song

Lima lima
lima ruh
lima ohlo

- G.B. Fuchs -
(from a children's book)

This is my favorite birthday poem.
And so I wish you, Claire, good luck and blessings on your birthday today.
I did not have 50 candles, but this is the candle ring for birthdays with us.
May they shine for you, for a good and creative new year.

1 Kommentar:

  1. what an exquisite birthday image and lovely song for Claire! I am unfamiliar with this author, but I do love his birthday verse.


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