Montag, 29. Dezember 2014


The most important thing you leave behind
is the stuff that turns into treasures
when children find it.

- storypeople -

14 Kommentare:

  1. Tolles Besteck. Muss man nur noch putzen und glänzen.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. That's a lovely picture.
    You caught some pretty light there. :)

  3. Interesting photo. Looks like there is some maintenance to do!

  4. The red cup with the light shining through makes this picture awesome, but then ... if you look closely, there is a little frowning face on the red cup ... hmmmm. He shoudl be smiling ... it's the New Year. Happy New Year, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  5. What a lovely old set of knives and forks!!! I love the handles!

  6. Beautiful sentiment and beautiful treasures! Happy New Year dear Maschenka! xxxx

  7. The little red cup glows as a contrast with the weathered, darker tones of the neatly arranged utensils. Adore the quote. Happiest New Year.

  8. awesome composition

    Best wishes for the coming 2015

    much love...

  9. Indeed treasures! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. Love the quote and those are some awesome finds! The red glass really makes the shot!

  11. Love the photo, Mascha...AND the quote! So true!


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