Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014

A big misfortune

This year is really not a good time.
My cat returned home this morning and she was heavy injured and get an emergency surgery.
 It will be a longer period of sickness.
My poor Kitty!

11 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Mascha, thank you for your comment. I will be thinking about you and sending you lots of love! Please try to find fun things for yourself to do meanwhile, distract yourself with beautiful art, good food, nature and kind, fun people! Many hugs to you, my dearest friend! xxxxxx

  2. I'm so sorry for you and your kitty. :-(

  3. It is really a bad drama now: she had never, since she lives with me, locked behind closed doors. She is allergic to closed doors - and the door must now stay closed today.
    Since she awakens from anesthesia, she's just trying to get out. Jump on window sill, what is not succesful,she pops down exactly on her wound, screams in pain and tried it again.
    Never rested a moment since ...
    I can not soothe her, she has always been suspicious (a really homeless cat, what she was for a long time) ... all her trust to me is completely destroyed .
    But I can not let out.
    She would be immediately run over by road. Can hardly move.
    Does it yet ...

  4. Next time we travel to Germany, I am DEFINITELY going to train over to Saxony-Anhalt. I speak a bit of German. But you "speak not a word of English" I will study up more so that we can CHAT, and CHAT, and CHAT!

  5. I hope your kitty recovers very fast.

  6. Now in the morning I let her out. She had all the night in night a big panic romped because the door is closed. I could not calm her.- What is this for a healing success?
    Now she is gone, trusts no one, has hidden - I can only hope she comes back.
    If they can come back in their condition... :-(

  7. hello
    je venais en passant prendre des nouvelles du petit chat
    elle restera cachée , mais les chats sont dur à la douleur et très resistant
    dés qu'elle aura faim elle reviendra d'ici quelques jours
    j'ai eu le même cas
    ne vous inquiétez pas
    edith (iris)

    1. Je pense qu'elle a de la fièvre. Et ne peut pas monter, ne sautez pas pour cause de blessure.
      Manquantes pour 10 heures. Ont cherché partout et appelé.

  8. Missing now for 10 hours. Have searched everywhere and called.
    I think she has a fever. And can not climb, not jump due to injury. Needs antibiotic.
    I am in great concern now.


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