Montag, 1. Dezember 2014


Today I show a few old houses in the downtoown of Halberstadt, Germany.
I am delighted that they will receive and restorated.
In previous years a large part of the old town was demolished
- it is only the tiny group which now will be saved.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Der Restaurationsprozess hat die Häuser zum neuen Leben erwacht. Sieht viel besser aus.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Wow that's a stunning restoration. Those old wooden beams have a story to tell ;D
    Thanks for sharing... have a great week

  3. Gorgeous - how lovely that they invested the effort to restore them! It really paid off :)

  4. I admire those who realize the beauty, history and spirit of old buildings and use their time and resources to bring them back to life. These are gorgeous examples of the sophistication of simplicity. And as always, I love the red tiled roofs of Deutschland! Great photo captures, liebe Mascha.

  5. Forward looking people - the best. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What beauties and certainly worthy of restoring. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. They are all gorgeous! Love the architecture. Does a heart good to see these restored!

  8. I think the second image is the most interesting!! Just a hint of what the building will look like, once it is restored! The building beside the dilapidated one, with the wonderful pain job and the window boxes, looks to be much the same, but it looks so much better!!!

  9. The restoration is incredible! Glad you got the before shots before thw work was done!

  10. Thank you for sharing these. I love the lace in some of the windows. It all looks very European to my American eyes. What a lot of history and stories these buildings have seen. If only they could speak.

  11. I hope,they do get beautifully restoRed and useful again.


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