Samstag, 29. November 2014

Shadow shot sunday - Тінi фотографія неділя

If I was a spider princess, she said, I would spin webs the color of sky & catch drops of sunlight to give to children who watch too much TV & then everyone would remember to come outside to play. If I was a spider princess, she said, things would be different.

- storypeople -

6 Kommentare:

  1. yes! go outside with the spider princess and play!

  2. An elegant, beautifully designed door handle and matching lock. Lovely.

  3. what a stunning and unique door knob, I say unique because I've never seen one like this.

  4. Greetings Mascha, what a lovely story and I love the color of the door and the doorknob and key whole pattern, delightful photograph!

  5. I'm a great believer in getting outdoors. That's certainly a unique door handle. I've never seen one like it before.
    Great words too ;D
    Enjoy your week


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