Donnerstag, 13. November 2014

The rusty tin can

Behind this old wooden fence is a very expensive modern house.
No idea why the owner has no money for a proper fence and what this rusty tin can is.
Maybe it's an old-fashioned signal system?

Shared with Good Fences

11 Kommentare:

  1. Well that is baffling!! However I do like the weathered fence although it would probably look better in the country not outside a posh house!

  2. They must think the fence is for rustic appeal, but that still doesn't explain the tin can. Hmmmm.

  3. It does pose a very curious statement doesn't it? It is a quaint old fence, but still I can tell the house looks quite elaborate for such fencing! The tin can mystery!

  4. very cute! i like the old fence and old can, too! :)

  5. Nice find and lovely shots.

  6. These are great shots. Real and true to life. I love it!

  7. Perhaps they never come that way and haven't noticed the can.

  8. I like it, all 3 pfotos are so great !

  9. Hmmm...a mystery is brewing here! :-) Love the fence but the can cracks me up. If it's a signal, she must have died waiting on her paramour...the can is so rusty! :-)

  10. What a great weathered fence. The tin can is a mystery for sure but it made for a very unique and fun fence shot for you.

  11. That fence would look right at home at my place. I would find a reason for the old tin can, too.


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