Samstag, 22. November 2014

It was once a factory...

Sugar factory in Wegeleben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Was torn down a few years ago, photo from my archive.

20 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous tones and colours and lighting on these old walls.

  2. I love the textures and character of old buildings.

  3. The state of decay makes an interesting photo

  4. Ich mag alte Fabikgebäude mit ihrem morbiden Charme.
    Danke für den Link, ich schätze, das könnte so ungefähr zutreffen. ;-)

    LG, Katja

  5. I wonder what kind of factory it was? A great capture, it looks like it's more than a one story factory.

  6. What a stunning photo of a beautiful building that's fallen into disrepair. I love the uncovered brickwork.

  7. That's such an interesting shot - love all the different textures and the lighting.

  8. Lovely mix of textures and lines. Amazing photo as always =) #mysundayphoto

  9. The light really makes the image!!! If it had not been a sunny day, the photo would be so blah!

  10. Love this, I bet it was full of history

    Thank you for linking up

  11. Very poetic ... wonderful capture and how sad that it was torn down. You certainly have an eye for beauty.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. Old buildings are a good subject for photographers. Nice picture!

  13. I remember when factories had skylights like this. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  14. How sad they let the sugar turn to rubbish.

  15. Definitely interesting, and sad too :(
    I'm glad you caught this shot while there was still something left to catch! It really is fascinating to see the bare bones of an old building.


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