Montag, 3. November 2014

Old Halberstadt, Germany

Here was formerly a center of active Jewish life.
This is all destroyed and gone, only still alive at the Museum ...
Here the remains of the synagogue and a few shots of the district

9 Kommentare:

  1. History hangs on. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a survivor! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Love this one! The railing is interesting. I also like seeing the graffiti in the tunnel. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Sad history. But lovely buildings still.

  5. What an interesting building! I love that railing up the ramp!!

  6. Looks like it was a very dignified, yet unassuming building :) Thanks so much for sharing this! It's nice that at least the building has been preserved :)

  7. Simply wonderful stone structure. Love those arched wooden ?doors?.

  8. Very interesting. Sometime history is sad. Love these stone buildings and your photos showing the lines of the ramp is very cool.


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