Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

So beautiful...

She said she usually cried at least once each day
not because she was sad,
but because the world was so beautiful
& life was so short.

- storypeople -

9 Kommentare:

  1. A beautiful series of photos and a sweet verse. I also like the photo of you walking along the path. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the link. I will visit there next.

  2. What gorgeous autumn photos and verse. The colors have been fantastic this year. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. They all are beautiful. I especially enjoy the reflection, it's funny but the reflected part always seems to carry the best colors!

  4. That verse brings tears to MY eyes. I'm looking out at a grey, windy, rainy day. Some trees are totally bare, others have still their golden leaves on. Some would view this day as depressing. I see another gift of beauty in nature's artwork. Your photos today, with the sun's glow, bring me a feeling of warmth. Thanks so much, liebe Mascha.

  5. I love all the images --- reflecting the glory in nature -- but the reflection shot really grabs me.

  6. I understand that, I cry often at the beauty of the little things of this world. Beautiful autumn shots.

  7. These are wonderful glimpses of beauty!


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