Montag, 3. November 2014

Monday's Music Moves Me

I've chosen three tracks of a band from the former GDR "Puhdys"
Was founded in 1969 and continues to this day - 
they began at 31.10. 2014 their farewell tour.
These tracks are from their early years.

"Wenn ein Mensch lebt" (1973) Rec. from 1977

"Alt wie ein Baum" (1976)

"Geh zu ihr" (1973)

Have a fantastic moving week all


7 Kommentare:

  1. I liked "Go to Her" (I found my foot keeping time with the drum) which proves that music can move us even when we don't know the language!

  2. Well, needless to say I've never heard these before, but music is music and you have ROCKED THE HOUSE WITH THESE TUNES! Thanks for joining us with your great picks. Have a great day! :)

  3. I don't know what they're singing, but they sang it well.

  4. Enjoyed your song choices today. Thank you for the dance.

  5. Music is a universal language no matter what. I liked your picks and of course, new to me.

  6. The listening is good!
    Thanks for sharing with us!


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