Freitag, 28. November 2014

Friday Five and Gratitude


Last week we had some bright days.
 If during the morning rain and gray had passed, the sun came out.
I am very grateful for each of these light hours and have enjoyed them.


Hope, you had a nice and harmonic Thanksgiving. 
In Germany we don't it celebrate.
It seems to me we have ever much less holidays than in the States.
Less reasons for families to come together.
But for people which have not big family (like me) is that ok.


Of course, Christmas casts its shadow and I viewed the Christmas exhibition of an florist.
Many beautiful things.
I can not buy no one of it, but I am happy to see that all.


We are at the beginning of winter, but the geraniums bloom still on my rooftop.
1-2 ° frost they can bear. Only when it gets colder and permafrost, I put them in the dark cellar.
Where the begonias are already. Because they are more sensitive.

I still rejoice in the flowers and am grateful for all the beauty that I could see this year.
I am grateful to my eyes yet can see, even if gotten worse again.
I am grateful for my beloved - he's a wonderful person.
That I have enough food and a warm house.
Food for cat and clothing and so many books.
All this is not natural for me.
I am thankful for quiet time now. And for every new morning.
 I am thankful for so many amazing poems and songs.
And for some wonderful sounding languages (like Russian, Ukrainian, Polish... )


Last but not least a photoseries, what I call "The moving cat".
Really it's more "the moving camera", because it was to dark for photos without stand.
My dearest took some pictures of me for one of this outfit memes and the cat came to us.
Images are blurred and shaky, but I think they show movement and somehow beautiful.

(Linking up with Feline Friday)

Have a nice weekend all.

11 Kommentare:

  1. I like your moving cat, these wonderful photos and enjoyed reading. Thank you also for your good advice and encouragement regarding bicycle riding. I appreciated your comments very much :-)

  2. Wunderschöne Fotos. Danke fürs Teilen beim Friday My Town Shoot Out.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. The glow of the Christmas decorations is wonderful. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Lovely cat. I also like to look at some of those elaborate Christmas decorations, but would never buy them. My decorations are much more simple.

  5. Your gratitude journaling warmed my heart and brought tears of joy to MY eyes. Thank you for your lovely nature photos, liebe Mascha.

  6. What a beautiful post, both visually and in spirit. I, too, am grateful, like you, for many things that some take for granted. I am Canadian, so we celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. I'm quite sure that people give thanks in Germany, even if the country doesn't have an official Thanksgiving holiday.

  7. Like Tom, I really like the beautiful light of the Christmas displays. Your flower photos show you have a "green thumb"- meaning you are able to grow flowers very well.

  8. What a great looking cat. Yes indeed.

    I hope you had a fabulous Feline Friday. ☺

  9. oh mascha, that is a wonderful list of things to be grateful for...i love your moving cat! what a beautiful florist shop too! i hope you are having a wonderful weekend and thank you for linking to willy nilly!

  10. Sorry to be so late commenting. We had a super busy weekend and little time for blogging.
    I enjoyed your post. - That shot of the trees is lovely, such nice autumn colors. I find it interesting to learn about other countries and the holidays that they celebrate as compared to the US - We love holidays here. - Christmas is a favorite and like you I enjoy looking at pretty decorations but can't really afford many of them. I try to add one new one each year though. - I like the tree in your first shot. - Very nice motion shots of the cat, aren't they wonderful companions. You had a great list of things to be thankful for.

  11. I use decorations many years again and again. I treat things well and keep them on.
    Sometimes I buy a long time after Christmas something new if it is very cheap - so my collection of beautiful things for the next holiday grows up...


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