Montag, 24. November 2014

Maschas Mix - No. 67 -

I like all colors and have many colorful clothing in my wardrobe.
But I like black too and often wear it with white.
And a little red must be, against the grey days....
(All pieces vintage, the white petticoat is mande by me)

We had all the summer rain and now too - again an shooting in the rain...

15 Kommentare:

  1. Love how you added a touch of red to your look Mascha!
    Happy #bloggersharingstyle hun!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  2. I've added red to this black and white "Share in Style" too :)

  3. Oh Mascha, I just enjoy your style so much. The petticoat adds that cercertain whimsy to your day :0)...

  4. so pretty embroideries and cute petticoat poking out and stealing the show!! Love how you've added a touch of Red!!

  5. Very pretty and boho with the vest! :)

  6. The addition of red to the black and white is stunning.

  7. Hi Mascha! I am visiting from Share in Style and I really like your black and white ensemble with the pretty details- the petticoat is charming and the red umbrella is a great addition! Lovely to meet you xxx

  8. It's such a classy and classical outfit, Mascha - romantic and charming, and elegant too! Love photos with the red brolly, and so nice to see flowers still in bloom in rainy late November. Have a wonderful week! xxx

  9. Such a lovely setting and pop of color

  10. What a romantic twist to black and white, Mascha

    Thank you so much for being such an important part of Share-in-Style.

  11. ¡Me gusta mucho tu chaleco! Al ver tu look me acordé de que yo también tengo uno del pasado año jejeje ¡Besos!

  12. Your black and white is such fun with the little red touches, even your flowers are matching. Hope your rain stops soon, feel free to send it my way(Australia) , we need some.

  13. Me gusta mucho como sientan el rojo con el blanco y negro!!!

  14. Hello again dear Mascha, please don´t forget to vote tomorrow for your favourite look tomorrow ( Rosy and I are not included in the voting. This is all about you all)
    Tons of kisses

  15. A beautiful mix of textures! Thank you for linking with 52 Pick-me-up!


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