Montag, 17. November 2014

Old door

Shared with Rubbish Tuesday

10 Kommentare:

  1. Oh my that is one old door, I just can imagine in its day how lovely it was. Great style!

  2. A wonderful door...I like the trim at the top. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Beautiful old doors. I'll be they are solid core as well, no cheap panels.

  4. I love the character and shape of this door!

  5. A very unique and interesting door in need of repairs.

  6. Cool doors! Love the shape! I've never seen anything quite like these.

  7. I love the shape of that door!!! It certainly has been used for a long time!

  8. The old door is beautiful! It reminds me of a few French doors my grandmother painted watercolors of!


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