Freitag, 7. November 2014

The cold will come

When the autumn sun is shining, it was often almost summery in the last week.
But the frost is coming soon.
Our favorite place is the wine terrace below the Wernigerode Castle.
The water was already drained from the pool ...

Here was already any cold nights and on the meadows in the forest was ripe

Soon the lakes will be frozen (photos from last year)

I bring my begonias all in the basement.
The geraniums still blooming so pretty and I let them a few days/weeks yet in the open air.
The basement is pitch dark and has no good conditions, so I try to keep their time in the basement asylum as short as possible. Better than minus 1-2 degrees, as too long darkness.
This is a risk, I know, but mostly it goes well.

7 Kommentare:

  1. I wish you well with your basement gardening! Another world for us who lives in a house all on one level.
    We are in need of rain at the moment, and the mulberry tree fruit is starting to turn black. Xo JJ

  2. Sieht schon richtig kalt aus bei Dir! Danke fürs teilen beim Friday My Town Shoot Out.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I read somewhere that you can "winter over" the begonias by stripping their roots of the dirt and putting them away. I put mine in a paper bag and in the dark basement. I hope they survive so I can plant them again in the spring. It is sunny here today, but COLD. Trees are bare; winter is on its way. But your photos make feel as though you and I are connected by nature's beauty, no matter what the season! Thank you liebe Mascha.

  4. Beautiful photos. I have a begonia that I have brought inside, although it doesn't usually freeze here in Texas. We'll see how it does as an indoor plant. My geraniums are still blooming, but they will probably wear out pretty soon outside. I don't try to keep them alive over the winter. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  5. The last three photos look really cold!

  6. Delightful views of the vine terraces. I had no idea that geraniums could survive any length of time as an indoor plant.

  7. Such beautiful shots, Thanks. Tom The Backroads Traveller


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