Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

Our County administration...

... has a nice old iron fence
and the ball on the post I've already loved as a child.

Shared with Good Fences

13 Kommentare:

  1. I'm very excited about your photos.
    Very nice shots, the fence in front of Klinkerfassade of the house is a perfect complement.
    Greetings from Germany und" good fences linking "

  2. Isn't it interesting the things we see as children that stay with us forever? I have some pictures in my mind of the old grade school back in my hometown. Love the iron fence!

  3. It is a commanding gate, fence and wall of such great design. Especially nice is that it holds such memories for you too.

  4. This is a lovely combination of railing and brick wall fencing and i also like the ball on top of the pillar.

  5. it is very striking! thanks, mascha!

  6. I enjoyed this with the rest of your bloggers. Striking as Texgal said. I agree.

  7. A beautiful old building and a lovely fence.

  8. Very striking fence. I like these shots a lot.

  9. An elegant fence--very nice!

  10. That's a real old beauty :)
    Thanks for sharing!

    ツ Knipsa


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