Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

Real news

One morning she decided to throw away the paper & listen to the real news & by the end of the day, she knew that while people were sometimes confused, the rest of the world was not & she slept that night for the first time since she was a young girl.

- Storypoeple -

10 Kommentare:

  1. schöne Bilder, die alten Waggons gefallen mir besonders. Zum Glück kenne ich sowas noch aus eigenem Erleben. Auch die alten Personenwaggons mit den schönen Holzbänken habe ich noch in guter Erinnerung.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Reading while sitting on a train track makes for a very striking image! Not sure I've ever seen it before :-) xo JJ

  3. Interesting quote. I often wonder what's the real news and what is not! :)

  4. Love the thoughtful narrative behind the images. Challenging and beautiful.

  5. Walking on the train rails is quite a challenge. But enjoyed reading and seeing your thinking. Thank you!

  6. Very neat photos! It's been a long time since I've been around railroad tracks.

  7. yes very thoughtful images and words. What is real?
    Have a wonderful weekend. I am joining you at Wednesday Around the World.


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