Donnerstag, 13. August 2015

Dittany - Dictamnus albus

We call it Diptam, or "The burning bush", mostly it blooms pink, not white.
It's poison, but a medical plant.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Boa tarde, encantado com a lindas flores e a sua cor, as fotos são de excelência.

  2. Ich liebe ihn..., aber zu mir in den Garten will er nicht ;-( Wunderbar eingefangen hast du ihn.
    Lieben Gruß Ghislana
    (Ich melde mich, wenn "Harzreisen" anstehen, aktuell leider, leider nicht...)

  3. These are gorgeous Mascha, I love the building in the background also.

  4. Beautiful photos of the pretty, highly volatile plant!
    I looked up the plant in Wikipedia and learned a few new things - so thanks for the education also.
    Have a Great Weekend, Mascha!
    Peace :)

  5. Thanks Mascha for showing me a new flower. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. These are quite showy flowers and lovely photos. I am familiar with dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus (which my grandmother gathered and made tisane from), which looks nothing like this.
    Many thanks for taking part in the Floral Fridays Fotos meme.


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