Freitag, 28. August 2015

Wild heart

It’s not easy to explain to those who don’t see the wild in her, but every day is like being born again into the wonder of her strong heart beating & a full-throated knowing that she’s here to be alive.

- storypeople -

20 Kommentare:

  1. Your flowers and your collages just are so perfect together, from innocence, to sensual, to strength....masterful.

  2. I love your collage art. May be the first one most, it's so enchanting.
    Happy PPF !

  3. Great collage art and photos. Happy PPF

  4. Love all the purity in the white in your photos today, Mascha.

  5. Beautiful photographs... and awesome collage journaling!

  6. This is a stunning blog post and I think it's very powerful too!! Beautiful collages!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Always a pleasure to view your blog! Thanks!

  8. Here to be alive too!
    Sweet flowers peep
    Out of the blur
    Into our hearts.
    Xo Jazzy Jack

  9. Greetings Mascha! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely post with Today's Flowers. Your photos and collages are fantastic. Thank you also for your very sweet comments regarding my father-in-law. They were very much appreciated. Wishing you a very happy weekend!

  10. Beautiful. You are so very artistic with your work.

  11. beautiful colors in this post!

  12. all the beauty to capture the artist's soul

    have a good weekend

    much love...

  13. Pretty flowers. Keep up the great work. :-)

  14. Beautiful flowers and collage details Mascha.

  15. Very pretty, Mascha.
    Thank you for linking up at


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