Montag, 24. August 2015

Little German ABC

G is for Geheimnis

Ge·heim·nis [gəˈhaemnɪs] das <–ses, –se> - that's a secret

Using the word:
1. keine Geheimnisse vor jemandem haben - have no secrets from sb
2. das Geheimnis/die Geheimnisse (einer Sache gen) the secret(s) (of sth)
3.das Geheimnis um jemanden/etw. the mystery of sb/sth
4. ein offenes Geheimnis - an open secret
5. ein Geheimnis lüften - reveal a secret, solve a mystery

I've choosen again a quote of storypeople, thye reveal on their site a few nice secrets.

Secret #8

This world is amazing & you’ll forget that again & again your whole life. But if you remember more than you forget, you’ll be fine.

- storypeople -

In my pictures is many yellow (gelb) and green (grün) - that are more German g-words...

Shared with Mrs. Nesbitts ABC Wednesday, Mellow Yellow Monday

18 Kommentare:

  1. Love the light in these. If you like you can link up with the new edition of "Through My Lens". Link is below.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Ach gucke da, die Mascha gibt's ja auch noch.

    Ich würde dir ja gerne verraten, was ich so die letzen Wochen so getrieben habe, aber - pssst - wir sind heute bei G wie Geheimnis!

    --> the most closely guarded secret: das bestgehütete Geheimnis ;-)

    Musst schon selber bei mir auf dem Blog vorbeischauen - aber net weiterverraten!!!! ;-))

    Gruß, XXX.

  3. Love yellow flowers, Mascha....and those costumes are so colorful!

  4. All very interesting descriptions, and most lovely photos.

  5. lovely photos..especially the ladies in costume

  6. Yellow and green just go so perfectly together, especially in these shots!

  7. I love keeping secrets, 'Geheimnis' with my granddaughter Olivia, she is nine years old and is brimming
    with secrets, which, of course, I can't reveal !

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  8. Gutenabend Mascha, schone Blumen, ich liebe es.
    Ich glaube aber dass es nich schlecht ist wenn man Geheimnisse hat, nicht jeder braucht Alles zu wissen uber den Anderen.

    Schonen Abend gewunscht

    Melody (abc-w-team)

  9. I do like your stories of yellow and GREEN. Very clever.

  10. Happy letter G to you. Enjoyed scrolling through your photos!

  11. lovely flowers, gorgeous dresses. such fun with you sharing your language with us!

  12. I love the ladies in costume. Always wanted to wear those gorgeous dresses.


  13. For a while, I thought the picture of women in those costume is from some classic novel. Lovely pics!

  14. oh beautiful!!! so classic - almost as though from a movie!! well done!

  15. Gorgeous little yellow flowers. And what a romantic scene with those period costumes and the touch of parasols.


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