Sonntag, 23. August 2015


Stairs are your teacher; they teach you to be stronger. Love your teacher 
and every time life puts some stairs before you, accept them as a present!

- Mehmet Murat ildan -

Stairs, are they going up or are they going down? 
They’re so confusing! If love were a physical thing, it would be stairs.

- Jarod Kintz -

19 Kommentare:

  1. Sinnig die Sprüche und ansprechend, teils romantisch die Bilder. Guten Morgen, liebe Mascha! Hab' einen angenehmen Sonntag.

    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

  2. Oh my, what incredibly beautiful places! It's so rustic and aged... the stories these sets of stairs could tell!
    Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World

  3. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  4. we encounter lessons in life in simple endearing aspects; how wonderful the consciousness of learning. Mascha i'm happy you dropped in and linked up today at my Sunday Lime

    much love...

  5. wunderschöne Bilder, besonders die ersten beiden gefallen mir sehr gut. Im dunkeln sah es bestimmt super aus mit all den Kerzen am Rand, schön, dass du wieder bei "OBW" dabei bist

  6. Beautiful pictures... The second staircase, where is that? It's pretty :-)

  7. Mascha - those photos are so lovely I long to see them in person. So glad to have found you at Our Beautiful World.

  8. This is a marvelous collection, Mascha.
    I figure that steps are somewhat like hills to a cyclist - they teach you patience.
    Have a Beautiful Week!
    Peace :)

  9. I love the downward stairs (I know that makes no sense - but some are going up, some are neutral, the ones looking down work best to me)

  10. Mascha, the composition of these shots is wonderful! Marvelous captures!
    Thank you for linking up at

  11. This place looks like it came strait out of a fairytale!

  12. I love these! Stairs are so cool to photograph!

  13. You always take the most amazing photos ... These are wonderful!! Thanks ever so much for sharing with us at OBW!!

  14. Beautiful photos and and wonderful quote! Well worth reflecting upon!! Thank you!

  15. Love this romantic old place! Is that you in the red dress? Great taste:)

  16. Love all the details in these staircases!

  17. What a wonderful compilation of staircases - all so beautiful.

  18. Beautiful photos! Truly magical.


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