Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Stitch by stitch

Stich folgt auf Stich
wie ein Frühling
auf den Winter
ein neuer Sommer
darauf der Herbst
ein neues Jahr
das kleine Mädchen
das ich war
eingestickt in die Seele
eingehüllt in die Ringe
der Jahre
von Sommern und Wintern
was ich bin
und am Ende
eine Decke
jemanden einzuhüllen
darin -

Stitch by stitch
like a spring
after a winter
and a new summer
a fall
a new year

the young girl
what I was
forever stitched in mind
enveloped in the rings
of the years

of summers and winters
what I am
and at the end
a blanket
to wrap someone
therein -

20 Kommentare:

  1. Wow beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful WOrld!

  2. Your photos and the colours are just beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW!!

  3. schöne Worte und Bilder. Die Decke sieht hübsch aus mit dem gestickten Muster. Danke fürs teilen mit uns auf "OBW"

  4. Beautiful photography for Stitches! I love the quilt and its vibrant colour.... beautiful poetry... Thanks for joining with us at OUr Beautiful World!

  5. The colors and tranquility are inspiring.

  6. Really nice! Very inviting chair ;-)

  7. Lovely post, the words and the photos.

  8. These materials are such a stunning blend of beautiful colour. Looking delightful on the cane chair.

  9. Love 'em and love 'em... partly b/c I'm a purple person. Made me smile. Thank you.

  10. today my world is hot, I could use your chair in the shadows :)

  11. I love that quilt and I see the shadows too!
    Nice one, Mascha!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  12. My favorite colors. That wistful look in the girls eyes is magical. I haven't seen a photo put on a pillow like that. I've seen photos on quilts but not pillows. The whole setting is just lovely.

  13. Great- this is a very enjoyable post. And I like the quilt :)
    Have a nice day.

  14. luv the warm purples and the metaphor of caring and comfort in today's post
    A happy Monday to you Mascha; thank you for linking in at my Monday WRites

    much love...

  15. Lovely images and post. The quilt is beautiful! Enjoy your day!


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