The day, water, sun, moon, night - I do not have to purchase these things with money.
- Plautus -
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At first I thought that there was ice on the water. Great effect! Tom The Backroads Traveller
AntwortenLöschenYes, you are right ... we are blessed with the sun light and the moon light. It is God given and free, as are most things in nature. Beautifully done (and, as great minds think alike, you will see that I also did a sun light, moon light set :)
AntwortenLöschenAndrea @ From the Sol
cool...I like the bent reeds too
AntwortenLöschenVery nice♪
AntwortenLöschenLove that wonderful blue and black combination!
AntwortenLöschenYou've captured some great photos here - full of lovely light!
AntwortenLöschenThank you for linking up at
Wonderful photos of the reflected sunshine! Lovely! And the quote was so great!
AntwortenLöschenThese waters are so beautifully lit with light. Gorgeous scenes.
AntwortenLöschenI like images like this. Thanks for sharing them :)
AntwortenLöschenToll, die beiden aufnahmen , so unterschiedlich in ihrer Wirkung . Beim 2. Foto denkt man, das glänzende Metalstreifen im Wasser reflektieren !
AntwortenLöschen♥liche Grüße
Hallo Mascha,
AntwortenLöschendas sind 2 wunderbare Fotos!
Herrliche Reflektionen und ganz feines Licht - und Schattenspiel.
Lieben Gruß
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