Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Make believe

When I'm having a really bad day, she said,
I pretend I'm dead & you'd be amazed
how much that perks you right up.

- storypeople -

14 Kommentare:

  1. Cemeteries are beautiful and fascinating. Lovely photos.

  2. lots of beauty- man-made and natural- in this cemetery. interesting tale from Story People!

  3. All very creative photos ~ Be well, be happy ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Lovely drape of the garments on the figure. Cemeteries are fascinating to wander.

  5. I've done that - I'm glad to know someone else has used make believe to reset the "atmosphere" all around.
    inner delight . . that's what you've given me today.

  6. interesting statue. Reminded me of a dream I once had. Gorgeous light :)

  7. Beautiful statue and nice collage. The quote is interesting. I am not sure pretending I was dead would actually improve my mood.

  8. Fascinating the way you combine images to make something truly unique.
    Thanks for sharing at

  9. I love graveyards! Beautiful photos, Mascha.


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