Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015

First thing to know...

Scrabble for the Dead 
First thing to know is that there’s no time limit...

- storypeople -

13 Kommentare:

  1. Oh my, this is spooky, perfect for this week at Our Beautiful World!

  2. Oh my goodness, this is somewhere I wouldn't pass in the night! (Still, there is such beauty about it)
    Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World!

  3. Oh my... what spooky photos ... wonderfully enhanced... I can hear the silence! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!

  4. I chose a cemetery shot, too! Great grainy photos to add atmosphere...

  5. Nice effects and very spooky heheh! love the Scrabble with the dead quote :-)

    Have a spookytastic week :-)

  6. Striking photos.
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. The graininess gives an eerie feel to the photos, perfect for a cemetery.

  8. What a beautiful but spooky place Mascha. The statues and crosses are so beautiful. Great post, thank you for joining us at OBW :) xx

  9. Solemn and spooky at the same time!

  10. How spooky yet beautiful. And in black and white it just accentuates the beauty.


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