Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Cemetery flowers...

I stopped in St. Bernadette's Cemetery one of my favorite places... The trunks of six giant oaks rise like columns supporting a ceiling formed by their interlocking crowns. In the quiet space below, is laid out an aisle similar to those in any library. The gravestones are like rows of books bearing the names of those whose names have been blotted from the pages of life; who have been forgotten elsewhere but are remembered here.

- Dean Koontz -

20 Kommentare:

  1. A colorful collection of flowers in the cemetery.
    Eine bunte Sammlung von Blumen auf dem Friedhof.

  2. Beautiful setting especially with the mist.

  3. I love cemeteries as well... I like the quiet and the older stones. Beautiful pictures you've taken!

  4. Wha a lovely cemetery with so many beautiful flowers.

  5. Very peaceful, indeed. Happy Halloween! Stop by if you get a chance!

    Cottage Blessings,
    Chippy White Cottage

  6. Love how the colours add enchantment to the misty views.

  7. This is the perfect post for Halloween. A cemetery with the most beautiful flowers! I wonder how they keep the deer from eating them. Your photos are really gorgeous.

  8. Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this! Bless you!!!

  9. What a beautifully kept cemetary with lots of flowers

  10. What a beautiful cemetery, and such beautifully attended graves. This place is full of life and love!
    Thanks for sharing at

  11. I never really thought about a cemetery as being beautiful, but it is. Thanks.

  12. Just beautiful! And the narrative by Dean Koontz is wonderful!

  13. That is the most beautiful cemetery I've ever seen!

  14. Mascha, these are absolutely wonderful photos, full of quiet serenity and great atmosphere.
    Many thanks for taking part in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.

  15. Your photos are truly beautiful Mascha. Such a peaceful and serene place. Sorry for being late but wanted to thank you for linking with Today’s Flowers. Wishing you a very happy weekend :)

  16. Какое умиротворение! Умирать не страшно...


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