Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015

The walls between the backyards

In our old downtown, the small houses are built close together.
And the small backyards have quirky walls.
Rarely seen, only when you enter such a house.

11 Kommentare:

  1. They are pretty home and yards, I love the walls, they provide some privacy. The red roofs are cool too. Great shots. Enjoy your day!

  2. great birds eye views and i love the brick walls and stone on the ground! have a great day mascha!

  3. Wow, this is very interesting and quite private for each house!

  4. Excellent photos. Very interesting.

  5. How really interesting and charming. - I enjoyed these "quirky" walls.

  6. I love the different ways people have built privacy for themselves even though the houses are really close together. We Americans are quite spoiled with the huge yards many of us have. We had five acres when we lived in the country, but I would like to have an even smaller yard than I have now.

  7. Interesting collection of buildings, reminds me of a puzzle.

  8. that is a neat peek into the back 'yards'. :) thanks, mascha!

  9. Beautiful presentation of the tiled homes and the backyards!
    Have a Beautiful Day, Mascha.
    Peace :)

  10. Even a small outdoor space is a nice feature to have, for when the weather is nice. And for your plants, of course!

  11. Fascinating package of wall styles. Love the touch of cobblestones in the second last photo too.


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