Samstag, 24. Oktober 2015

The dove and the people

11 Kommentare:

  1. Hello!:) Wonderful sharp images of the people and the dove. I certainly would have been taking photos of the beautiful white dove! I love doves.

  2. Hello Mascha, what a pretty white dove. It seems almost tame being so close to the people. Great shots. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. The dove does not appear to be in the least afraid of people. So trusting!

  4. The little dove looks so precariously balanced, yet seems to be enjoying the company of people. Lovely photos.

  5. I love how there is always someone watching the dove in every photo.

  6. I wonder if the dove is looking at the same view as everyone else? #mysundayphoto

  7. What a lovely calm dove.

    Thank you for linking up

  8. Haha that dove is just the cutest and most photogenic ever! #mysundayphoto

  9. Such a tame little fella. He doesn't seem in the least disturbed by the visitors!
    Thanks for sharing at

  10. Silly bird wants to be part of the crowd. :-)


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