Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Friday Five and windows

Good morning,

I'm back at Amy's Five on Friday and Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five.
And also at Suzy Mae's Sooulfood Friday, the last is still new for me.


Last few weeks wasn't a good time for me: many trouble, different worries, pain of an orthopedic disease and other unliked stuff. Not alway's I'm in the mood for writing, often show only a photo (to motivate myself) or make a picstory
That's not so personal, but of course a little personal in a different way, 
like all that creative, what I'm doing.


This year the golden autumn is down, we got after the summer once a winter.
Many leaves were still green, but in the night of October 12, there was the first frost, so early as never before in my life ... and almost all of my begonias are frozen.
On October 14 came the first snow, and since then there is a mood as in December:
 dark, wet and cold.
I am thankful for a house with heating and spend more time indoor.


Luckily, I brought all houseplants in the evening before the frost from the backyard into the house and now they are again distributed to all windowsills in order to survive the winter.
Here is a little before-after-show:

The backyard window of the library room in summer:

And  that's now. Warm color. Nearby is my PC, I look out of this window when I'm writing.

Another window for the blue pots:

The top windows facing the street in the summer:

And now here are the white pots:

And the little greens


Well, lets go out of home  to the town.
On my daily way out is a bookstore with a carillon.
It's alway a joy to hear it.


I've read recently "Finding Father Christmas" by Robin Jones Gunn.
I bought it because it was mentioned in one of the blogs that I visit.
It is a beautiful heartwarming story. Enjoyed reading.

I hope, you've enjoyed my little photostory.

Have a nice weekend all :-)

18 Kommentare:

  1. lovely photo story playing with colours :)
    good read!

  2. What a lovely view you have from your windows. Such a shame about your begonias, October is far too early for winter to start. Have a good week. :-)

  3. Lovely Five - that carillon is amazing! I am glad you got your tender plants indoors before the frost, how clever to group the pots by colour, that looks fab. x

  4. A fabulous collection of view through interesting windows. Thanks for sharing these views.

  5. I love all you window displays you certainly have some beautiful plants and pots. So very early for frosts and snow, lets hope that it is not a sign of a things to come. Have a great week.

  6. Thank you for the journey Christmas is about to materialize in your house.
    Lovely views from your windows.

  7. I am sorry that you've not been feeling well recently. I love these beautiful corners of your home. I am very inspired to bring more plants into the house actually. Greenery is so soothing. Thanks for sharing and linking up. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. i am so sorry mascha that you haven't been feeling well :( i do love all your colorful windows in your house...snow and cold makes for a nice excuse to curl up and read! have a great weekend and thank you for linking...hope you are feeling better!

  9. The windows are so lovely, but I'm really into the blue!

  10. First of all, I am so sorry you have not been feeling well. Your artistry is always just so wonderful, dear Mascha! I know I have told you how much I love your cobalt blue vignettes (my favorite color!) and the red ones are just as wonderful! Amazing window decorations! So many modern houses (at least here in U.S.) don't have window sills and maybe there's no way to place a table in front of the window because of the need for couches and chairs in those spots. One loses that wonderful quality of décor that you show here, the light adding to the magic! Great post!

  11. I forgot to tell you how much I adored the bells!!!!

  12. Great photos, loved the blue glass and would love to hear bells at a bookstore.

  13. I loved all your colourful collections especially the blue glass. You have such wonderful views from your windows. I hope that you are feeling a little better now.

  14. I hope that your ills will soon be sorted. Your different windowsill arrangements by colour are a good idea, it is a good way to group different objects isn't it. Hope that your plants are all safely rescued inside now from the frost. Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  15. So much color is in your home. It must make you happy.

  16. I am living all your windows. What a lovely view you have from your computer. Sorry to hear the last few weeks have been hard

  17. What beautiful arrangements you have in all your windows!! I love all the colors! I have never heard of a carillon before. It must make such a beautiful sound. Your pictures are lovely! I hope you feel better and have a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

  18. Da hast du aber eine große Menge an Pflanzen, um die du dich kümmern musst. Wir haben nur ein paar wenige und immer erst Abends im Bett fällt mir ein, dass sie mal gegossen werden müssten ^^
    Ich hoffe, dir geht es inzwischen etwas besser und der ganze Trubel hat sich etwas gelegt =)

    LG Dana


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