Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015

Going into light...

12 Kommentare:

  1. I like your silouette shots a lot!

  2. Beautiful pictures - I especially loved that with the man and woman, hand-in-hand.

  3. Where are they going? . I love people studies and these are especially good with the lighting effect. You have such an eye, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Great !
    Ilke it very much, succsessful shots for " Catching light " !
    Greetings from Germany

  5. Oh wow!! Fantastic images, Mascha.
    You're saying goodbye to the meme IN STYLE!!

    I love, love, love your pictures. They're perfect!!

  6. a post with many aspects. I love your light and photography :)

  7. This is a nice series, Mascha.
    Thanks for linking up at

  8. Lovely silhouettes, Mascha! Lighting is great.
    I appreciate your participation in the Saturday Silhouettes meme.


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