Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Stuff cave...

cave filled with stuff that people will kill for, which only goes to show you 
how confused people are about important things...

- storypeople -

Shared with Shadow Shot Sunday2

5 Kommentare:

  1. The light falls so beautifully I almost forgot to look at the shadows.

  2. another shot of your beautiful surroundings!

  3. Beautiful play of light and shadow round the fence and tree.

  4. Beautiful photo and with the shadows for the day.

  5. Hat nicht jeder von uns so 'ne Höhle, vollgestopft mit Zeugs...
    ...nur ob ich für mein Zeugs wirklich töten würde, hängt wohl ganz stark vom Grad meiner Verzweiflung ab!


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