Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

A song she heard...

A song she heard
Of cold that gathers
Like winter's tongue
Among the shadows
It rose like blackness
In the sky
That on volcano's
Vomit rise
A Stone of ruin
From burn to chill
Like black moonrise
Her voice fell still...

- Robert Fanney -

23 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful work as always, thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, Valerie

  2. Hallo Mascha, deine Collagen gefallen mir sooo gut!! Die Auswahl der Bilder und dann deren Zusammenstellung... großartig!!

  3. Just a little eerie today, my friend. Wonderful artwork as usual.

  4. A dark poem to go with the beautiful collages.

  5. Great collages. Some of them look like some of my crazy dreams.

  6. Fantastische Seiten sind das wieder! Danke für's Dabeisein bei Art Journal Journey! Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Liebe Grüße

  7. wow,fantastische werke,einfach großartig.

    lieben gruß jenny

  8. Just lovely and appealing neutrals and beautiful words you found and wrote. xox

  9. Wunderbar zusammen gestellte, klassische Collagen! Gefällt mir sehr! Ulrike

  10. very interesting art journal page, the contrasts in your poem keep us rivited

    Mascha thanks for linking in at my Sunday Lime today

    much love...

  11. A wonderful merging of words and images. Thanks so much for sharing :)

  12. Fabulous collages. I love how they are monochromatic. Makes the images so dramatic.

  13. Wow these are amazing. Each one tells a story or sings a song.

  14. These collages are so evocative and beautiful. It makes me miss collaging so much. Thank you for sharing.

  15. These images are awe inspiring...and stir emotions along with the poem! Wonderful unique work!

    Hugs Giggles


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