Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

The water elf

The girl was still small, but her soul had many scrapes.
The home cold and dark and she was beaten so often.
In school was the same.
She likes to learn, but they called her nerd
and rushed and mock her day by day.
Often she did not dare to go to the school.
She likes to hide in the forest.
The trees were her friends and the creek.
Often she watched a dipper...

Even today she stayed quietly at the small waterfall.
There was a rustle, but it wasn't the bird.
Blinked up a little star and she saw the elf.
Dancing near by the water.
In the cold winterly forest.
And it came a shine on the girl 
and she went home full of warmth and light.
No one she said that.
It was her sweet secret for a long time.

15 Kommentare:

  1. How wonderful for her to carry with that secret of light and warmth

    Mascha, have a very mice week and thank you for linking in at Monday WRites

    Much love...

  2. How wonderful for her to carry with that secret of light and warmth

    Mascha, have a very mice week and thank you for linking in at Monday WRites

    Much love...

  3. Lovely photos! I love the sound of running water. It's very relaxing to listen to. Enjoy your week, Mascha!

  4. Lovely photos! I love the sound of running water. It's very relaxing to listen to. Enjoy your week, Mascha!

  5. Lovely story about the girl finding warmth and light beside the water.

  6. what a beautiful place... and great pic!

  7. Such a lovely tale, Mascha, and the photos are very pretty. Love waterfalls. Thanks for joining in!

  8. A very sweet story Mascha and your photos are magical!

  9. Mascha, this is beautiful in image and word.

  10. Lovely little story!

  11. What a pretty little area and it looks like somewhere a water elf or fairy might hang out.

  12. Beautiful lighting on the rushing waters. And what a magical story. Loved it.

  13. Mascha, you must share this gift for writing with a larger audience. Your stories move me. Sometimes I'm laughing and sometimes I have tears in my eyes.


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