Montag, 14. Dezember 2015


Connect is the word of this week at Our Beautiful World.

Connected are the components of the water wheel.
So it can work (it was formerly used to raise ore from the mine).

Connected are the waggons of the stream train...

That I've seen on our sunday walk.

A water wheel works with water and a steam loco too, so I share this post with Wednesday Waters.
We haven't oceans or big waters here, only small creeks, but "working water" we are using.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Love the train shot, and the way it pierces through the landscape.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Ah! You are always a breath of fresh air. I love these shots. Somehow relaxing. Xo Jazzy Jack

  3. An interesting display and wonderful scenery!

  4. I love photographing in afternoon light...the only problem is that it is such a fleeting moment at this time of year. If you blink an eye, or try to get just the right angle, you risk losing the opportunity. You've transported me to right where you are with these photos.

  5. A fascinating old wheel in a glorious setting. And adore the view of the train colours contrasting with the countryside colours.

  6. I've never seen a water wheel for a mine before. I'm glad it has been preserved.

  7. Wonderful photos! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW and I hope to see more of your life and loves next year ... Have a beautiful Christmas!


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