Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2015


If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own, it will never happen. If you wait until you can afford to buy everything new, you are missing the point. It is the old, the new, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn but loved things in your home that make it your own.

- Stacy Risenmay -

8 Kommentare:

  1. I absolutely love these seasonal decorations.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. I do so agree with that quote and love your photographs - shops and shop windows always become more interesting at this time of year and draw you in with the selection of Christmas goodies.

  3. True! Here it has to be the same old things at the same places, and one or two new things.

  4. I love the quote, and it is why I can't part with most of the things decorating my home. Too many remembrances. Your photos are so wintery and lovely.

  5. Such pretty photos! Thank you for sharing them with all of us! And I love the quote you shared and think that it is so true!

  6. I love your photos!! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!!

  7. So wonderful - I really like the gold candlesticks. They are wonderful to look at. So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World again.

  8. I am in love with that lacy window! What gorgeous photos.


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