Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

Last begonies...

Deep in their roots all flowers keep the light.

- Theodore Roethke -

Flower Friday

11 Kommentare:

  1. Such a pretty and rich color to cheer December!

  2. Beautiful!! Really drawing me in on this rainy gray day, one of many lately...

  3. That brilliant orange against the green background is eye-popping. Nice detail, texture and composition...well done!

  4. Simply sweet!! I love begonias, and the way you've captured them is so beautifully done!!

  5. Love the colour of these begonias. Lovely detail of the subtle shift in tones of colour.

  6. How lovely - what a beautiful bloom, and the color is marvelous.
    Thanks for linking up at

  7. Pretty petals! The quote is a perfect reminder to read on the first day of winter.


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