Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

Trees, steam and afternoonlight

16 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful images Mascha! I particularly liked how you caught the smoke from the train in one of your photos. The coloring in all the photos is delightful and so serene.

  2. Amazing images. The cold tones are truly drawing me in. Love the railroad tracks.

    Thanks so much for linking in with "Through My Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Soft, serene views! Beautiful photos. Love the train!

  4. So lovely! I especially like the photo of the train!

  5. Absolutely stunning with a capital S! Thanks for joining The Maple Hill Hop this week.

  6. Pretty trees and images. I love the train shot, great capture. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  7. wonderful photos mascha...i love the shot of the train...i go under a bridge similar to your everyday...i'll have to share a picture for you on friday!

  8. oops! I wrote my comment for THIS photo post on the wheel post.

  9. Wonderful images! It's always lovely to see hill and mountain views and your train photo is magical!
    Have a great rest of the week!

  10. Oh Mascha ... these are beautiful. I haven't seen an old train engine like that in years and it fits into the fairy tale scenery perfectly. Your photography and composition are glorious. I am speechless ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  11. What a beautiful rolling countryside.

  12. Lovely!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  13. Magnificent. Nature always leaves me in awe.

  14. Eine tolle Stimmung, die du da eingefangen hast und es sind klasse Aufnahmen geworden.
    toll, dass du du Lok im richtigen Augenblick erwischt hast, ist manchmal gar nicht so einfach ;-)
    Liebe Grüße von

  15. such interesting images. Love the rail tracks in the middle of nature :)

  16. I have always loved trains and what a pretty view you would have from the train window if you were on it.. No snow.. We don't have any yet and it is a record for us to be snowless... Michelle


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