Freitag, 6. Januar 2017

Friday Five and random pictures

Good morning to Epiphany,

today is the last day of our Christmas time
and the begin of Russian Orthodox Christmas.
And today is time to join in
Five on Friday and Willy Nilly Friday Five.
I also share this post with All Seasons and Blue Monday2


The first day of 2017 was a sunny day,
what a nice begin for a new year!


Since a few weeks I had trouble with my computer, it worked very very slow 
(and sometimes it did not - ) and we've checked more than all... 
and could not find the reason. 
That was an irritating and boring time, sit here and wait and wait...
Since yesterday it works normally again, I hope, the problem has solved by itself.
Whatever it was...


31 of december has closed my most beloved food market. Sigh!
In 2016 in my nearest living area were closed tree markets, 
I wonder how the elderly people without cars should get their foods! 
In downtown is still only one market, that is very expensive, with a small pension 
you can there really nothing buy. 
The other markets are out of the town, far away, 
an the ways for daily purpose become longer and longer...


In last ten years many doctors have closed, got retired. 
But new doctors mostly don't come.
With more and more healthy problems you must go to other towns
 (that takes the whole day with public traffic),
 and often it happened, that the docs in other towns don't want to treat
 outside patients.  They have already very to much patients!
The problem gets bigger and bigger and you don't get help.
That can be a really concern, when getting older. 
My mother turned 90 now...
Our town is beautiful and interesting for tourists, 
but living in it is not a fun.


After these unpleasant things a few random photos, just for joy.
Some nice blues...

Have a great and colorful weekend.

17 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. I hope your computer continues to work well and that the shopping and medical care provision near you will improve!

  2. Poor public health care is a bit problem for me too. So long queues... Agapanthus is fabulous, so the winter collage! Have a nice weekend!

  3. Such stunning photos. Sorry to hear about your computer and medical care, hope they improve. Have a great weekend.

  4. The older my parents got, the more they had to travel to the hospital for various appointments which isn't easy, so I sympathise with you. Beautiful photos as always. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Wonderful post Marcha, the candles in the snow is a great image.

  6. Love the blue, but has the new blue dress not arrived yet?

    Though I'm an senior-senior citizen, I'm fortunate that I'm near shopping, good medical facilites, nice restaurants, and I have a car and can drive, even at night. Thank you for reminding me to be more grateful for these blessings.

    1. The blue dress cames yesterday (it was a really blue day - ), wonderful but a little to long. Or I'm to short... Will make it shorter and show the photo next week.
      To have a car can be truly a big blessing -

  7. My friend from Romania tells me of these same problems in the area where she is from. It is such a shame to see small shops and grocery stores shut down. Things seem to be getting more expensive and so much more difficult in this world. Quite scary when thinking about what the future will be like. Merry Christmas. May your new year be blessed.

  8. Such great photos. It's sad what's happening in towns, stores closing, fewer doctors, little public transportation and the population is aging.

  9. the blue things in your post was most enjoyable. Sorry your market closed down. So much is closing now.. they expect you to buy everything from the computer

  10. I'm so sorry your market closed down. It makes me sad for people who need services and can't get them. And it makes me realize how fortunate I am. However, there are a lot of stores closing around us because everyone shops online now. Which means a lot of people will be losing jobs. I don't like to shop online. I like to see and feel what I am buying. Computer problems are frustrating, so hopefully yours will keep running now.
    Your pictures are beautiful! Keep looking for the joy in life.

    Cindy Bee

  11. Love the photos, dear friend! They are wonderful! So sad you don't have a market to go to now, and there are so few doctors. I know what you mean about worrying about the elderly and people who can't get around! I am hanging in there, hoping to revive my contacts. God bless you this week and always!

  12. First, let me THANK YOU for the Willy Nilly Link - I will try to join in . . as i remember.

    My Pops (before he left for heaven) - told me these problems are not happening all over the world. We are all in this together. I am blessed to have you for a friend - you share so much beauty . .

    The photo of the "outside" living room has caught my imagination.

    love & love,

  13. i love your photos of blue...sad about the market and how difficult it will be for those who live nearby...i hope you computer doesn't give you anymore problems, mine does that sometimes too...i think mostly when it is updating something...thank you for linking mascha! have a great week!

  14. Your photos are lovely, but your 2nd and third are my favorites, because of the lights. Stunning captures!
    What you are describing is also true for the area we have moved to. Hope that the president-elect can get the economy going again and jobs become available in this area (so it will attract stores and doctors, etc. Many thanks for sharing the Epiphany with ALL SEASONS (Sometimes I forget you are Russian:):) ) Have a beautiful week, Mascha.

    1. I'm not a Russian, I'm only somehow connected in my mind with Russian spirit and language.

  15. Happy New Year! Dear Mascha,
    Hope 2017 to be a year much better than the previous ones. In these days, it is really difficult to remain optimism and positive. But I love to believe that it is possible and I think it is a good resolution for the new year to trust in.
    Though I see same things of crisis in here, too, I want to trust in a good changing that somehow we will do fine in all aspects of life at micro and macro levels: health, economic, financial, social and cultural.
    Wonderful pictures, so warm thoughts expressed in your essay! Best regards to you, your mother and all loved ones. A very good day and week in january and always!


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