Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017

Quiet self

I used to love the quiet, he said, but then I met her & now
the quiet can’t wait for her to show up to tell her
how the day went.

- storypeople -

10 Kommentare:

  1. Interesting images. I do like the old shed and the brickwork.

  2. I like your collages - very creative, but I love the old building. Very interesting.

  3. Mascha, I love all of this! But I wonder how these buildings looked when they were fill of life! Thanks for sharing your creativity again this week, I hope to see you back again.

  4. Your photos are always interesting...

  5. Impressive photos and words.
    Happy PPF ♥

  6. Wonderful contrasting photography! I love your talent. Happy PPF

  7. Very nice Mascha, the train rails, before or after the train's passing, juxtaposes well the quiet

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  8. Your collages, photos, words...all magnificent!!!
    I adore it all~

    Happy PPF


  9. I really love your images. They all have deep stories.


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