She asked me how I felt about eternal life & I said, would I have the same aches & pains I have now because that would factor heavily into my decision.
- storypeople -
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing
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Masha, thanks for identifying the GDR car. I knew nothing about it and don't recollect ever having seen one.
AntwortenLöschenAmazing colours in the distressed plaster work!
Happy Tuesday!
Mascha, I also have the same aches & pains, but more each day. I wonder what will become of this building. Thanks for sharing today, enjoy your week and please stop back again soon.
AntwortenLöschenEternal life would be good if it were connected with eternal youth & eternal health :)
AntwortenLöschenYour photo is exquisite and the quote is thought provoking. I wouldn't want eternal life but I hope for many more years! Happy new year and thank you for sharing your beautiful compositions :)
AntwortenLöschenOh, if only walls could talk!