Montag, 9. Januar 2017

How long have you been free -

Lyrics I found here

How long have you been free
In this world of hate and greed
Is it black or is it white
Let's find another compromise
and our future standing still
We're dancing in the spotlight
Where is the leader who leads me
I'm still waiting
Leaving home

And god is on your side
Dividing sparrows from the nightingales
Watching all the time
Dividing water from the burning fire, inside

Leave a light on in the night for me
That I can find you
Remember when we both where young and reckless and so curious
Now you're hiding from your child
A new day's dawning
Remember that you felt alive sometimes

And God is on your side
Dividing cruelty from tenderness
Watching all the time
Dividing fiction from reality

Move in circles, walk on lines
No human being in sight
Calm the winds and calm the seas
Let's try another kind of peace
Who fights this holy civil war
A million men in uniform
Wo ist der Führer der mich führt
Ich warte immer noch
Leaving home

And God is on your side
Dividing presence from the history
Watching all the time
Dividing deaf men from the listening ones

And God is on your side
Dividing soldiers from the fishermen
Watching all the time
Dividing warships from the ferryboats

9 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, I like your black and whites paired with the tune, very creative! The final collage is great with the touch of red. Thanks for sharing this week, I hope that you will stop by again.

  2. Deine Collagen begeistern mich immer rundum. Liebe Grüße Ghislana

  3. Thanks for the music and your awesome juxtapositions

    Happy Monday

    • ★ AND★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    Monday WRites #91 is live
    I invite you to link in

    much love...

  4. Hallo Mascha
    Tolle Blog und Klasse Collagen ...
    eine davon habe ich als Vorschau Bild ausgesuch und verlinkt ...allerdings die Farben habe ich Rausgenommen ... SW sollte SW Bleiben :-)
    Ich bin schon jetzt gespannt auf deine Nächste Bilder ...und jetzt gehe ich bei Dir ein wenig umschauen

  5. wieder beeindruckende Bilder. Was so ein Haus alles erzählen könnte, es ist es wert in Fotos festgehalten zu werden.

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Your pages are so is your poem.

  7. Wow this is a very powerful post. The black and white art and photos the lyrics are compelling.

  8. Always powerful images here!! A bit of sadness too! Wonderfully expressed!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Sehr inspirierende und berührende Bilder :-)


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