Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017

Monastery Church

Formerly Benedictine monastery in Drübeck, Germany,
is today a protestant seminary and holiday house.

9 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Mascha

    Great relationship and very beautiful pictures.
    Thank you, I could see it.
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Greetings from Poland.

  2. Mascha, what a wonderful way to start my Sunday morning with your lovely photos and the beautiful music video. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  3. Big and beautiful. There must have been many monks there in former days.
    Good that it continues to be used for good things.

  4. Nice church I like the cart wheel chandelier

  5. Dear Mascha, a beautiful church and your photos show how very beautiful it is. Happy week to you my friend. Denise

  6. Great shots of the church - thanks for sharing.

  7. You make me glad with this beautiful photos.


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