Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2017

A diva at the wall

(An old prepaired post, since yesterday I had repairing works at my pc and not the time to make a new post,
 luckily it is just finally working again)

Shared with Good Fences

11 Kommentare:

  1. So sieht unsere Friedhofsmauer aus.
    aber eine Katze, noch dazu so eine schöne Diva habe ich allerdings noch nicht auf ihr entdeckt ;-)

  2. I your PC now OK? I love this photos because I LOVE cats. Beautiful setting, beautiful one! Thanks.

    1. I hope, it STAYS working, a little instability makes me still concerns.

  3. Aw ~ what great shots of the sweet kitty and marvelous stone wall ~ thanks,

    Wishing you happiness and peace in your week ~ ^_^

  4. Nice cat pictures (

  5. She is beautiful, your diva :)
    And the wall also.

  6. The wall is very beautiful and how special to have this pretty cat posing for you!

  7. ...and the diva turned her back to you.

  8. What a lovely kitty and a beautiful wall for her to sit on. The photos were wonderful. Glad you hear your computer problems are fixed.


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