Dienstag, 3. Januar 2017

Leaving pieces

She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went.
It’s easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said.

- storypeople -

10 Kommentare:

  1. That last photo is amazing Mascha. Your collages are always so beautiful too

  2. May you always feel the sunlight! Your quote is very good for me at the moment!
    Wren x

  3. Mascha, you continue to create such beauty with your collages and photo images. I appreciate your many visits and I hope to see you back again.

  4. Those are wonderful collages and so creative! Please visit me at NanaHood.com and share! http://nanahood.com/how-nanas-start-the-new-year-right

  5. I so love your rough and dramatic collages, your style is unique!

  6. Your art is very inspiring !! I admire your talent and creativity!
    Happy New Year !!

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me in Texas. You are a very talented lady.

  8. I like this and isn't that pretty window in your house?! That is interesting about Seguins! We will have to share info!

  9. Die Idee die Collage im "Orginall" aus "echten" Pappier zu machen ist einfach genial...
    es ist wirklich eine Idee die man sich merkenn sollte

  10. Such beautiful and creative collages!!

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


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