Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Spiral - and a holiday -

I like the spiral, this archaic symbol of life (right-turning) and death (left-turning).
You can find it often in nature, not only by snail shells.
A growing fern frond, unfolding... or a whirling wind...

Here is my jewelry.

The bowl has a spiral pattern.

We often speak about the circle of the year.
It goes along and we come back to an holiday.
But it is not the same as last year, it is something different, has going along.
For me it seems like a spiral.
Our lives go on in ever-greater struggles. Continue to infinity ...

Today is such a holiday, Beltane. A night of joy, fire and dance...
In the northern areas finally the really begin of spring (we had cold enough until today).
Here ist the Medieval band "Faun", celebrating Beltane.

Happy Holiday

Photographed for GemsWeeklyPhotochallenge.
Shared with My Sunday Best and Photo Tunes.

Freitag, 28. April 2017

Friday Five and the magic of pale green spring


After a time of sickness finally I'm back for Willy Nilly Friday Five
Paint Party Friday and I'm new today at Five on Friday at FAST Blog.
I also share this post with All Seasons and Robin's Just BE


We had some sunny warm spring days, but just it's cold again.
Well, that is normally our spring...


I like the rainy early mornings, when wet cats are coming around the corner,
purring, asking for a breakfest, coming in.
Than is time for cleaning fur and sleeping and I can go to my working desk....


I like this pale green springtime, cold and rainy, fresh air,  full with promises.
The magic of the beginning of something, not yet exactly knowing what.
It's like a long early morning - who knows, what the day will bring?


I just I made a little story about the magic of the pale green spring.
Food for your own imagination.

Have a happy green weekend

Still leafeless...

Sonntag, 23. April 2017

Open heart

He told me one time he forgot himself & his heart opened up like a door with a loose latch & he tried for days to put it all back in proper order but finally he gave up & left it all jumbled up there in a pile & loved everything equally.

- storypeople -

Mittwoch, 19. April 2017

Schlehdorn blüht (prunus spinosa)

Am Karfreitag konnte ich nach längerer Krankheit endlich einen kleinen Spaziergang machen.
 Kühl, aber sonnig...
Die Schlehen blühen gerade so schön!
Und da ging mir doch gleich ein ukrainisches Lied durch den Kopf:
Цвiте терен - Schlehdorn blüht

Der Text ist einfach und volksliedtypisch:
 es geht um Liebe, Schmerz, schlaflose Nächte und Warten auf den Liebsten...
Da sich Ukrainisch doch etwas vom Russischen unterscheidet, verstehe ich die Lieder so-la-la, 
aber eine wörtliche Übersetzung will ich lieber nicht bringen.
So glaubte ich selbst lange Zeit "Teren" wäre der Flieder (ru. "Siren"), ist aber der Schlehdorn -

Was mir auch durch den Kopf ging: wie viele russische Lieder ich kenne, in denen Bäume und Sträucher erwähnt werden. Und ich will mal eine Serie "Bäume & Lieder" bringen, wenn ich wieder gesund bin und dazu komme, all diese Baumarten zu suchen und zu fotografieren.

Im Moment geht es mir noch ziemlich schlecht, aber ich habe morgen zwei Untersuchungen.
Und ich hoffe sehr, dasz dann auch mal etwas zur Verbesserung des Zustands getan werden kann.
Von selbst geht es ja leider doch nicht immer.
Ich werde die nächsten Tage noch nicht wieder voll hier anwesend sein,
aber jetzt hatte ich doch einmal etwas Lust auf Bloggen.

Das Lied ist übrigens mein erster eigener youtube-upload, mit einem eigenen Foto.

On Good Friday I was able to take a little walk after a long illness.
Cool but sunny ...
The sloes bloom just so beautifully!
And an Ukrainian song came in my ears:
Цвiте терен - Blackthorn blooms

The lyrics are simple and typical for folksongs: 
it is about love, pain, sleepless nights and waiting for the sweetheart ...
Ukrainian language is some different Russian, I understand most words, 
but I would rather not bring a literal translation.
So I've thought for a long time "Teren" would be the lilac (in Russian "siren"), 
but it is a blackthorn -

What else came in my mind: how many Russian songs I know, where trees and bushes are mentioned. And I want to bring a series of "trees & songs" when I'm healthy again 
and can look for all these tree species.

At the moment I'm still pretty bad, but I have two examinations for tomorrow. 
And I hope very much that something can be done to improve the condition.
I will not be back here for the next few days,
 but now I had a bit of desire for blogging.

By the way, the song my first own youtube-upload, with my own photo.
My first try...
