Freitag, 6. Oktober 2017

Friday Five, sunrise, flowers and seeds

Good morning,
it's time again for five, joining with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five
And Jesh's StGermains  All Seasons


Last monday in the morning I'm looking out of the kitchen window
and see my backyard is dipped in red light.

Going to the other side of home, I see a spectacular sunrise.
Photos from my rooftop.
Sharing with Skywatch Friday.


That was the loveliest miracle of the week.
A halfhour after this great sunrise came back all the grey and the rain.
And the alldays life.


Must keep on my diet to end of october, hope to figure out some allergies.
Seems, I'm allergic against eggs .And, maybe, against nuts.
Have tried to bake a gluten free bread, but that wasn't sucessful.
Could not eat that...
I'm always hungry, but eating is not a pleasure.
It's very boring to have all the days to all times potatoes with broccoli, 
maize gries with carrots (rubberry consistency) or lentil salad. 
A crisp bread is like a cardboard, sticking on my teeth...
And it makes a lack of a few substances during the time.
I would give just a kingdom for a simple cheese sandwitch!


Had ordered some foods for especially nutrition from the web
 and payd a lot of money for a fistful of foods (more, than I have 
in a whole month), but I'm just waiting for the parcel the third week.
It is somewhere in a post office, damaged and should be repacked.
When I finally get it, I fear, the things will be rotten. 
Seems, that food-orders from the web are not really an option
 here in my area and I cannot get the needed foods.
Hope, I can go back to a normally nutrition in november. 
The alldays life is difficult enough without a glutenfree nutrition! 
That's not a thing for me.
Maybe, I can find a modus to make it for two months of the year 
and that helps a little. But never for all time!
It really kills all my joy of life.


We had a wonderful day last friday in the monastery garden.
Saw a lot of flowers and seeds.

Nigella seed - looks like from a painting of Hieronymus Bosch
Maybe, a tiny creature is living in it...

Have a wonderful weekend

17 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha,
    das sind wieder wundervolle Bilder von dir.
    Aber das letzte Foto trifft besonders meinen Geschmack . . . einfach großartig !
    Einen gemütlichen Freitag in all dem Grau und Sturm
    wünscht Jutta

  2. Hello, gorgeous sunrise. The colors are beautiful. I love the pretty flowers and images. I hope you feel and work out the food problems. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. ...Mascha, sorry to hear of your allergies., they make life difficult. Take care my friend.

  4. Wow - stunning colours in the sky!

  5. Beautiful captures...lovely collection of photos.

  6. That seed pod is incredible. Love the sunrise and the beautiful flowers today!

  7. The sunrise shots are breathtaking.

  8. The sky's the limit and pink at that. Enjoyed all these.

  9. Magnificent sunrise!! Sorry about your food allergies....I would hate to give up eggs, nuts. I wonder if you could gradually build up a tolerance to the allergens by eating small amounts over time.

  10. Truly stunning photos, Mascha! As always, just amazing! I am sorry you are having trouble finding things you can eat that actually taste good. Hope you find some good recipes soon. Let me know how the online food order works out.

  11. Beautiful photos. The sky captures are outstanding!

  12. Die Natur ist ein toller Maler!
    Bon week-end!

  13. Beautiful sunrise and love all the gorgeous flowers and beautiful Fall colors. Food allergies are no fun. Happy Friday!

  14. Ach du, allergies are the pits:( Sorry you have to cope with that.
    Your captures are out of this world - not only the magnificent sunrises,but also the single flowers, Love the last one, I can see that as the cover for a book! Many thanks for sharing all these rich experiences with All Seasons!

  15. wow, that sunrise is beautiful...what a way to start the day...i've had that happen before too..noticed in the kitchen how brightly glowing it was so i ran outside and saw a beautiful sunrise, or sunset! i hope your diet is going well and you find out you are not allergic to too many good things! love all the pictures of the flowers and seeds! thank you for linking mascha and i hope you are having a great week!


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