Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

Starting line

Those first moments are never where it begins.
It takes time for us to come out from behind all the things
we think we are, but after that,
if we’re willing to stand there quietly, we start.
To see & be seen. After that, we start to love.

- Storypeople -

19 Kommentare:

  1. The quote is awesome and I love all the beautiful photography.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ☺

  2. Beautuful! Thank you so much for joining us with your Sparks!

  3. Thanks so much, Mascha, for joining this week's party at

  4. Fine bilder, alle, men speilet er fantastisk !!

  5. Beautiful thought, beautiful pictures.

  6. ...Mascha, there are so many lovely images this week. The 'frosted' logs are a sign of times to come here. Thanks so much for stopping by, take care and come again.

  7. The poignancy and beauty in these images is so moving. Lovely photos!

  8. Lovely sentiment to the photos and quote!

  9. Quite interesting concepts you displayed through your photos. Intriguing!

  10. Lovely photography and collages ~ so ethereal and magical ~ ^_^

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Beautiful work. So very creative.

  12. Wonderfully expressive collages!!

    Peace Giggles

  13. Wow this week I love each one of these images.

  14. What a lovely post, Mascha! Loved the last shot especially!
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  15. Oh wow, beautiful photos of light coming in through the windows you have gathered here, Mascha! Your photos are amazing, as always. I love how you photographed the snow on the wood and the bird flying towards you as well. Thank you for linking up to Simply Neutrals, I'm happy to see you again! Big hugs xx

  16. Hello Mascha, Gorgeous photos and collages. I especially like your snow-covered logs.
    Have a great week,
    Jesse X


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