Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

Wordless - без слов -

Photos from the City Castle in Braunschweig, Germany, 
completed with my journal pages for your mind cinema...

18 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks, Mascha, for joining us at

  2. ...Mascha, what a fabulous building, the architectural details are great. Thanks for sharing and I hope to see you back again.

  3. Incredible post! You are so talented.

  4. Hi Masha...Welcome and loved seeing your link up at my Pictorial Tuesday. Always love new visitors. Your journaling is awesome...really like how you do your pages. Thanks for sharing so I could come meet and visit you. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles - Pictorial Tuesday

  5. What a great blend of architechture and art! Have a great week!

  6. Interesting and very creative post. Well done!

  7. What a gorgeous old building! It's quite majestic.

  8. Luv your unique style collages, AND that building is majestic in allure

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  9. Hello Mascha, you have a great creativity with your collages.
    I love the detailing within the arch of the portico. Great photography... happy PPF! Sue

  10. Gorgeous, powerful, expressive! Deeply beautiful artwork, stunning visual energies and imageries to feed the soul..truly sublime! And fabulous architecture!
    Visiting from paint party friday
    Victoria #17

  11. Beautiful images and wonderful expressive art.

  12. Another post that is a treat for my eyes! And I am enjoying how you mix your art with your photography. Beautiful! Happy PPF

  13. Really excellent collaged pieces and photography.

  14. Such contrasting textures in all of your creations. Nice!

  15. Great balance between architecture and people here, Mascha! Thank you so much for sharing your art with All Seasons!
    I know what you mean, did not know that there were squirrels other than red-brown fur, until I came to the USA. The squirrels in my neighborhood are used to people (because some people feed them peanuts -wrong thing to do, because then they forget how to look for food themselves).
    Hope that all this research for the right treatment will be over soon for you.Take care of yourself:):)

  16. Stunning architectural elements! Awesome collages!


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