Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017

Dawna piosenko... - Old song...


Old little tune
You're solid as a stone
The red sun is already setting
And you're still with us
The red sun is already setting
And you're still with us
You're marching with soldiers along
Hey da, hey da, hey da
You're marching with soldiers along
Hey da, derum derum da

Boys of the great uprising
In year of 1919
Were following you like a great lady
All across Silesia
Were following you like a great lady
All across Silesia
The boys were marching all across Silesia
Hey da, hey da, hey da
All across Upper Silesia
Hey da, derum derum da

Cordons mean nothing to you
So do the iron gates
Thunder and lightenings were striking you
And we're singing you
Thunder and lightenings were striking you
And we're singing you
And we're singing you again
Hey da hey da hey da
And we're singing you again
Hey da, derum derum da

Old little tune
You're solid as a stone
The red sun won't go out
And you will be with us
The red sun won't go out
And you will be with us
The red sun won't go out
And you will be with us
The red sun won't go out
And you will be with us

14 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha
    Tolle Bilder und Fantastische Lied
    Ein Interessante Beitrag in Black&White
    LG czoczo

  2. Ganz schon Absolutely beautiful My favourite is the photo of the child

  3. ...Mascha. you video is also blocked for me. Your collection of B&Ws are a delight. This color guy loves them. Thanks for stopping by, take good care and stop back when you can.

  4. Such a lovely photos. A little nostalgic collection but I like it very much.

  5. How very nostalgic...
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  6. What a great selection of scenes.

    Visiting from BLACK AND WHITE WEEKEND.


  7. Wonderfully attractive series! Such lovely light.

  8. a very beautiful and very moving series in black and white. I really like the top photo which is very enigmatic. you get the impression that a secret or hidden story is being told.

  9. Lovely photos Mascha. Especially the people walking in the light.


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